Display: 1-25 of 148 Results

Report by the Prussian District Government in Koblenz on the Civic Condition of the Jews (1820)

“Hep-Hep Riot” in Frankfurt am Main (1819)

Motion to Grant Full Emancipation to Jews in the Duchy of Nassau (1846)

Moritz Mohl and Gabriel Riesser, Two Speeches on Equal Rights for Jewish Germans (1848)

Excerpts from H. E. G. Paulus’s Pamphlet on the Emancipation of the Jews in Baden (1831)

Certificate Requesting the Payment of Protection Money for the Jew Abraham Goslar in Hanover (May 22, 1833)

“Citizenship Certificate” for a Jewish Resident of Berlin (1841)

“The Commercial Councilor” (1884)

Max Liebermann, The Twelve-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple (1879)

Jewish Population in Central European Cities (1871–1910)

Jewish Synagogue, Oranienburger Strasse (c. 1885)

Court Chaplain Adolf Stoecker (1880)

Historian Heinrich von Treitschke (c. 1880)

Jewish Civic Leader Emil Lehmann (1894)

Antisemitic Postcard: “Greetings from New Jerusalem” (1890s)

Historian Theodor Mommsen (c. 1870)

Antisemitic Postcard: “The Only Jew-free hotel in Frankfurt am Main” (1897)

Antisemitic Caricature: “Metamorphosis” (1903)

Antisemitic Caricature: The Jew as Sexual Predator (1899)

Bismarck and Germany: Past, Present, and Future (1897)

Seven Antisemitic Leaders (1880s)

Report by the American Secret Service about the Attitudes of the German Population in the American Occupation Zone (August 12, 1945)

Synod of the Protestant Church in Germany: “Statement on the Jewish Question” (April 27, 1950)

Interview with Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on Compensation and Reparations (November 25, 1949)

OMGUS Survey on Antisemitism in the American Zone (December 1946)