Display: 1-25 of 38 Results

The Reparations Settlement and Germany’s Peacetime Economy: Statement by the U.S. State Department (Press Release of December 12, 1945)

Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States on the Economic Fusion of their Respective Zones (December 2, 1946)

Revised Plan for Level of Industry in the Anglo-American Zones (August 29, 1947)

The Western Allies on the Desired Level of Industry in their Zones of Occupation (August 28, 1947)

Reconstruction Aid for Europe: The Marshall Plan (1948)

Western Declaration on Germany, the European Defense Community, and Berlin (May 27, 1952)

Berlin Declaration by the Three Western Powers and the German Federal Republic on Reunification (July 29, 1957)

The U.S. State Department Analyzes the Soviet Note on Berlin (January 7, 1959)

U.S. State Department Memorandum (December 20, 1958)

Why Should Fidel Castro Concern Us? (June 9, 1960)

John Foster Dulles on the Possibility of Negotiations with the GDR (November 26, 1958)

“A Border-free Open Road for the Marshall Plan” (c. 1948)

Decisions of the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Three Western Powers in Washington, DC (April 8, 1949)

Three Telegrams from U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy to Secretary of State Dean Acheson regarding the “Stalin Note” (1952)

Soviet Draft of a German Peace Treaty – First “Stalin Note” (March 10, 1952)

Western Powers’ Reply (March 25, 1952)

Opening a CARE Package (1948)

“American Cultural Barbarism Threatens our Youth” (1950)

Interview with Louis Armstrong: “They Cross the Iron Curtain to Hear American Jazz” (December 1955)

“This is the Face of the Fascist Spawn of Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser, and Reuter!” (June 21, 1953)

Rock 'n' Roll at a Berlin Dance Hall (1955)

“The Great Head-wagging about Young People” (1956)

Public Viewing of an American Spy Tunnel in East Berlin (May 3, 1956)

Singer Ella Fitzgerald (April 1953)

OMGUS Survey of Expectations for the Marshall Plan (March 1948)