Display: 26-50 of 78 Results

The African Giant Stretches Its Limbs (September 18, 1960)

Monitoring Telephone Traffic with the Federal Republic (November 14, 1952)

Stefan Heymann, "Cosmopolitanism and Formalism" (December 1, 1949)

Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, adopted at the Fifth Session (March 15-17, 1951)

Neues Deutschland Report on a Discussion about Realism and Formalism in the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg (April 24, 1951)

Directive on Programming for Light Music and Dance Music (January 2, 1958)

“A Sin against the Cinematic Arts”: East German Review of Die Sünderin (1951)

“American Cultural Barbarism Threatens our Youth” (1950)

“Nihilism and Boogie Woogie at the ‘Badewanne’” (September 7, 1949)

Searching for Potato Beetles (July 1950)

“U.S.A. Architecture” in West Berlin (1952)

Interview with Louis Armstrong: “They Cross the Iron Curtain to Hear American Jazz” (December 1955)

“This is the Face of the Fascist Spawn of Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser, and Reuter!” (June 21, 1953)

Public Viewing of an American Spy Tunnel in East Berlin (May 3, 1956)

OMGUS Survey on the Choice between National Socialism and Communism (1946–49)

OMGUS Survey: The Public Compares Present and Past Economic Conditions (July 1949)

OMGUS Survey of Expectations for the Marshall Plan (March 1948)

The Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic in Europe (1956-58)

U.S. Report on the Agreement to Unite the British and American Occupation Zones (1948)

Report on the Berlin Airlift (July 30, 1948)

Berlin Airlift: Children Hope for Chocolates (July 1948)

City Councilor Ernst Reuter Appeals to the “People of the World” (September 9, 1948)

“People of the World, Look at this City!” – Berlin Mayor Ernst Reuter's Speech on the Berlin Blockade (September 9, 1948)

A Look Back at the Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1961)

Berlin Blockade: To Save Energy, Meals were Cooked in a “Cooking Chest” (1948)