Display: 1-25 of 29 Results

Ernst Moritz Arndt, “The German Fatherland” (1813)

Johann August Wirth at the Hambach Festival (May 1832)

“Germany’s Unification” (1843)

Excerpts from Bismarck’s “Blood and Iron” Speech (1862)

Resolution of the Katholikentag in Aachen (1862)

Eisenach Declaration of the National Association (1859)

The National Association on a German Constitution (1860)

Program of the German Reform Association (1862)

Austrian Memorandum (1863)

The Liberals: Heppenheim Program of the Southwest German Liberals (October 10, 1847)

Friedrich List, Excerpt from National System of Political Economy (1841)

Correspondence between Jacob Grimm and Jernej Kopitar (1823–24)

George Gottfried Gervinus, Excerpts from the Introduction to The History of the Poetical National Literature of the Germans (1840)

Ethnic German Remigrants (August 22, 1988)

A Conservative Journalist Criticizes the Disappearance of the Term “Germany” (1972)

A Liberal Intellectual Reflects on the Burden of “Being German” (1983)

Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker on the Meaning of Being German (1986)

Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, “To Be German is to be Strong” (1936)

Karl Alexander von Müller, “The Influence of the Peasantry in the National Community of the Volk” (1938)

Admiration for Atatürk, Turkey’s Leader (1938)

Philipp Lenard, Excerpt from German Physics (1936/37)

Charles Krauthammer on International Fears of Unification (March 26, 1990)

The Social Democratic Intellectual Peter Glotz Warns against a False Normalization (1994)

The Journalist Josef Joffe Reflects on Sources of German Pride (2001)

Georg Forster, “Observations on [France’s] New Communal Spirit” (1793)