Display: 276-300 of 455 Results

Avenue of Fruit Trees in the Pleasure Garden at Sanssouci (after 1745)

View from the Gardens of Sanssouci Palace at Potsdam (c. 1750)

Prince Heinrich and Prince Ferdinand at a so-called Tobacco Parliament Tabakskollegium (c. 1738-39)

Frederick II (“the Great”) Plays the Flute at an Evening Concert in 1750 (c. 1786)

Karl August von Hardenberg, Prussian Statesman (c. 1810)

Friedrich von Gentz (1786)

Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1789)

Frederick William III and his Wife, Queen Louise, in the Park at Charlottenburg Palace (1799)

The Storming of the Bastille in Paris on July 14, 1789

Joachim Heinrich Campe (1779)

Frederick William von Steuben (c. 1790)

Mechanical Beheading Device built after a Design by Guillotin (1789)

Mercenary Troops (1776)

Emperor Leopold II and King Frederick William II Meet in Pillnitz on August 25, 1791

Liberty Pole (1792)

Public Execution of Marie Antoinette on October 16, 1793 (c. 1793)

French Anniversary Celebration on July 14, 1790

“The New French Constitution” (1791)

Violent Disarming of the Nobility in the Tuileries on February 28, 1791

Adolph Freiherr von Knigge (c. 1796)

Capitulation Negotiations in Mainz in October 1792 (19th century)

The Siege of Mainz on October 22, 1792 (1793)

Commemorative Diagram of the Siege of Stralsund in the Year 1715 (1718)

Fireworks in Nuremberg in Celebration of the Agreement on the Implementation of the Treaty of Westphalia (1650)

The Battle of Fehrbellin on June 28, 1675 (c. 1675)