Display: 426-450 of 588 Results

“Bismarck Unmasked” (1879)

Map: The Reichstag Elections of 1878

Map: The Reichstag Elections of 1884

Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck in Conversation (1887)

What the Coming Reichstag Will Look Like (1878)

Royal Hunting Expedition (1887)

Results of the Reichstag Elections (1890–1898)

Hans Delbrück, “Bismarck’s Last Political Idea” (1912)

Bismarck’s Letter of Resignation (March 18, 1890)

Albrecht von Stosch to Count Alfred von Waldersee on Bismarck's Successor (January 30, 1890)

Bismarck and Germany: Past, Present, and Future (1897)

Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Teaching School in Bornstedt (1898)

Anton von Werner, “Kaiser Wilhelm I on His Deathbed” (1888)

Anton von Werner, Crown Prince Friedrich at the Court Ball of 1878 (1895)

Kaiser Wilhelm I’s Last Official Signature (March 8, 1888)

Kaiser Wilhelm I’s Last Public Appearance (March 3, 1888)

The German Empire (1871–1918)

Debate on a Petition to Save the Siebengebirge Mountains (1887)

Broadside against the Construction of a Chemical Factory in the Ruhr Industrial Basin (c. 1874)

Franz Perrot’s “Era Articles” Attacking Bismarck’s Ministry, Liberals, and the Jews (June 29–July 1, 1875)

Alfred Krupp on the Charm of Belching Smokestacks (January 12, 1867)

Yearly Sums Paid to Those Claiming Damages from Air Pollution near Freiberg in Saxony (1855–67)

200-Meter Smokestack at the Halsbrücker Smelting Works Near Freiberg (1889)

Catastrophic Flooding in Dresden (1890)

Christian Ludwig Bokelmann, The People’s Bank Shortly Before the Crash (1877)