Display: 151-175 of 673 Results

Sales Clerks at the Brunningen Grocery Store in Munich (1934)

Job Creation Lottery on Jungfernstieg in Hamburg (May 24, 1934)

The Fight against Unemployment: Display by the Reich Ministry of Labor (1934)

Hitler’s Confidential Memo on Autarky (August 1936)

Anti-Fascist Imagery: “Hurrah, We’re out of Butter!” (December 19, 1935)

Nivea Film Advertisement “Katharine” (1938)

The I. G. Farben Company Presents its Synthetic Rubber (“Buna”) (1936)

Receipt for a Sign Announcing “Aryan” Store Ownership (December 29, 1937)

Catalog Advertisement: “Kaufhof is an Aryan Business!” (1935)

Enjoying a Camera (1935)

Robert Ley, Head of the German Labor Front (1936)

Picnic (c. 1935)

Stenographic Report for a Portion of the Interministerial Meeting at the Reich Aviation Ministry (November 12, 1938)

The Sopade Report on the Mood among Workers (September 1938)

Minutes of a Meeting of an Iron-Making Industry Working Group and Hermann Göring on Increasing Production (March 17, 1937)

Regulation for the Elimination of the Jews from the Economic Life of Germany (November 12, 1938)

Address Book for Doctors and Clinics with Notations for “Jews” (1937)

Göring and Hitler on the Obersalzberg (October 1, 1936)

The Morning after the Night of Broken Glass [Kristallnacht] in Berlin (November 10, 1938)

Workers Shortly before the Completion of a New Section of the Reich Autobahn (1936)

Aryanization of a Jewish-Owned Business (c. 1938)

Vacations during the Nazi Period (mid-1930s)

“Strength through Joy”: Cruise to Madeira (1938)

Decline in Jewish Businesses in Berlin by Sector (1933-1938)

Poster Advertising the KdF-Car (1939)