Early modern state-building slowly strengthened police powers, but
brigandage was still hard to suppress. The drawing below shows one
famous outlaw, Johann Bückler (c. 1778-1803), known as “Schinderhannes”
or “Hans the Skinner.” The leader of a sizable gang, this highwayman
committed various armed robberies and murders in the Hunsrück region
between the Mosel and Nahe Rivers. Idealized by some as a romantic hero,
he became a popular figure – in part, perhaps, because his victims were
wealthy (often Jewish) merchants. He was declared a public enemy by the
French, who occupied the region at the time. After several arrests and
escapes, authorities ultimately captured Bückler, put him on trial, and
executed him, along with nineteen accomplices, in Mainz on November 21,