Display: 1-25 of 30 Results

Clips from the Show Trial against Ernst Jennrich (August 25, 1953)

Cabinet Discussion on Budget Priorities (February 8, 1933)

Rudolf Diels, Head of the Prussian Political Police, on the Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 (Retrospective Account, 1949)

Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State (“Reichstag Fire Decree”) (February 28, 1933)

Cabinet Discussion of the Reichstag Fire and Necessary Changes in the Law (March 7, 1933)

The Enabling Act (March 24, 1933)

Enabling Act Adopted: Front Page of the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (March 24, 1933)

Carl Schmitt, “The Legal Basis of the Total State” (1933)

Law to Safeguard the Unity of Party and State (December 1, 1933)

Hitler Youth on the Occasion of the Referendum for Adolf Hitler (August 19, 1934)

Prussian Minister of Justice Hanns Kerrl Watches as the § Symbol (for German Legal Articles) is Hung from the Gallows (1934)

Decree Concerning Individuals Who Formally Leave their Church (February 18, 1937)

Martin Bormann’s Confidential Memo: National Socialism and Christianity are Irreconcilable (June 6, 1941)

Street and Square Name Changes in German Cities after 1933

Propaganda Poster: “Führer We Will Follow You! Everyone Votes Yes!” (1934)

Hitler’s Comments at a Dinner with the Chiefs of the Army and the Navy (February 3, 1933)

Big Chancellor, Little Chancellor: Caricature of Hitler and Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß Shortly before the Latter’s Assassination (Summer 1934)

Werner von Blomberg, Hermann Göring, Werner von Fritsch, and Adolf Hitler at the “Reich Party Rally for Work,” Nuremberg (September 1937)

Adolf Hitler on a State Visit to Benito Mussolini in Rome (1938)

Heinrich Himmler, Decree on Youth Gangs (October 25, 1944)

Admiration for Atatürk, Turkey’s Leader (1938)

Rainer Eppelmann talks about the Enquete Commission on the SED Dictatorship (May 3, 1992)

Enquete Commission for the Reappraisal of the History and Consequences of the SED Dictatorship (April 11, 1994)

Publicist Karl Wilhelm Fricke on the Commission of Inquiry on the SED Dictatorship in Germany (Retrospective Account, 2017)

Herta Müller, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (October 8, 2009)