
This is the cover of a book by Clara Zetkin (1857–1933), one of the leading women in the movement for Social Democracy. Zetkin has been labeled a “reluctant feminist,” because fighting for economic rights and political emancipation for both men and women was more important to her than the “women’s question” alone. Like Hedwig Dohm, Zetkin was an experienced teacher. Although her greatest political impact—both within and beyond the Social Democratic Party—came after Bismarck’s fall from power in 1890, it is worth noting that she had served on the editorial board of Der Sozialdemocrat and had participated in the founding congress of the Second International in 1889—the year in which the book pictured here was published. Having married the Russian émigré Ossip Zetkin in 1882, she followed him to Switzerland and Paris. By 1891, she was widowed and had returned to Germany, where she served (until 1917) as chief editor of the SPD’s leading newspaper for women, Die Gleichheit [Equality].

Clara Zetkin, The Women Worker’s and Women’s Question of our Times (1889)

  • Clara Zetkin


Source: Cover image, Clara Zetkin, Die Arbeiterinnen- und Frauenfrage der Gegenwart [The Women Worker’s and Women’s Question of our Times]. Berlin: Verl. d. “Berliner Volks-Tribüne,” 1889. Digital Collections of the University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg,

Digitale Sammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg