
“A German seven who do not love the Jews.” This undated contemporary postcard presents a rogues gallery of antisemitic leaders whose organizing or propaganda activities stamped the profile of the antisemitic movement in the 1870s and 1880s. Pictured are (clockwise from top): Theodor Fritsch (1852–1933), Paul Förster (1844–1925), Otto Böckel (1859–1923), Adolf König (1850–1900), Bernhard Förster (1843–1889), Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg (1848–1911) and, in the center, Otto Glagau (1834–1892).

Seven Antisemitic Leaders (1880s)


Source: “A German seven who do not love the Jews.” Postcard (1880s). Nachlass Karl von Fechenbach, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Bildstelle.