
In 1914, the population of German-Argentines was approximately 100,000. By the late 1930s, it had increased to almost a quarter of a million. Many Germans had come to Argentina in the 1920s, breathing new life into German communities after many years of assimilationist policies. Germany and Argentina consequently established many cultural and economic connections, as this propaganda film indicates with its focus on the many German companies—from Bayer to Mannesmann—doing business in Argentina. When Hitler came to power, many Germans in South America were ecstatic about the developments in their “homeland.” The Argentine national chapter (Landesgruppe) of the NSDAP was already established before 1933, and upon Hitler’s ascension to power many other groups and individuals greeted the “New Order” with outward shows of enthusiasm, with rallies, parades, Nazi youth organizing, and the biggest Nazi rally outside of Germany in 1938.

Nazi Propaganda Film: Germans in Argentina (1938)


Source: Documentary, b/w, 1938. Commissioned by the Reich Propaganda Ministry. National Archives, U.S. Military Intelligence Film MID 2093.

Gymnastics as Cultural Heritage: The Gymnasium of the Belgrano School, Buenos Aires (1927), published in German History Intersectionshttps://germanhistory-intersections.org/en/germanness/ghis:image-191

Nazi Propaganda Film: Germans in Argentina (1938), published in: German History in Documents and Images, <https://germanhistorydocs.org/en/nazi-germany-1933-1945/ghdi:video-5030> [March 28, 2025].