
The Nazi regime’s firm belief in the power of radio to reach the public in new ways placed radio broadcasting centrally within the Propaganda Ministry’s plans for public engagement. “Radio Broadcast” [“Radio Sende Spiel”] was a board game released first in 1939 that used the theme of radio broadcasting to encourage an affinity for German radio and an aversion to foreign broadcasts. Players sent radio messages to military transmission towers within the borders of Germany, with the goal of making it around the game board while avoiding enemy radio towers. The version in this image is from 1942, and so the territories of Czechoslovakia and Poland are included in Germany’s territory. The game’s rules reminded players that Germany’s enemies were eager to learn Germany’s military secrets, and spies lay in wait at the radio stations in foreign cities. Players were punished for landing at these foreign stations, either losing a turn, paying a fine to the bank, or even being expelled from the game for too many infractions. In addition to ideological indoctrination at school and in Nazi youth groups, toys and games like these were designed to teach children National Socialist values and rules.

“Radio Broadcast” Board Game (1942)


Source: “Radio-Sende-Spiel” board game, 1942. Image courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.