
This clip from the East German TV news broadcast Aktuelle Kamera aired in March 1960. It introduced viewers to a farmer who has left West Germany for the East, where he is now part of an agricultural collective (LPG). Both he and the TV reporter who interviews him make a point to illustrate the improvements in his financial situation by giving specific figures.

A farmer from West Germany Works at an Agricultural Production Cooperative (March 30, 1960)


Source: Aktuelle Kamera, March 30, 1960. Accessed through ARD Mediathek (Retro Spezial DDR), Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/aktuelle-kamera/bauer-aus-brd-arbeitet-in-der-lpg-eckolstaedt/ard/Y3JpZDovL2hyLW9ubGluZS8xMTg4ODc