Display: 1-20 of 20 Results

Shortages Complicate Christmas Shopping in East Germany (December 21, 1980)

The Central Office of the Protestant Train Station Mission: Progress Report (1945/46)

The Health Office of the City of Düsseldorf on General Health Conditions (1946)

From the City of Aachen’s Social Report on Family Housing (1947)

“What Do I Need to Know about Soli Packages?” (1947)

Confiscation of Living Space by the British Occupying Power (1947)

“30,000 People are Walking in Igelit Sandals” (1948)

Press Review: “Where to Put the Baby?” Critical Voices on the Subject of Daycare Centers (1953)

Poorly Planned Holidays (1953)

Information on the Public Mood with Regard to Provisioning in Berlin and the District of Potsdam (May 19, 1961)

The Politburo’s Argumentation Guidelines on the Change in the Quality of Bread (January 29, 1957)

The Social Democratic Party’s Housing Construction Program for the Western Occupation Zones (May/June, 1949)

OMGUS Survey on Worries and Hardship in Germany (May–October 1946)

OMGUS Summary of Trends in German Public Opinion (December 17, 1947)

OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward the Food Situation (1946–47)

Residents of the Kabel Neighborhood of Hagen to the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia: Request for the Vacation of Residences Confiscated for Displaced Persons (January 2, 1947)

The City Director of Haltern on the Housing of Displaced Persons (December 16, 1946)

The Tägliche Rundschau on the Equalization of Burdens (February 15, 1947)

From the Report of a Housing Allocator in Bielefeld: Problems in the Resettlement of Refugees from Camps to Confiscated Housing (1946)

SD Report about Consumer Goods Shortages (March 18, 1940)