Display: 651-675 of 1,486 Results

Program of the Catholic Center Party’s Reichstag Caucus (late March 1871)

Hellmuth von Gerlach on Leading Antisemites and Their Agitation (1880s)

Theodor Fontane Describes a Conservative Election Campaign in Rural Brandenburg (1880s)

Theodor Fritsch to Wilhelm Marr on New Tactics for the Struggle against the Jews (1884–85)

Hellmuth von Gerlach Describes a Conservative Election Campaign in Rural Silesia (1880s)

Hans Delbrück on Bismarck’s Legacy (April 1890)

Eugen Richter and Max Weber on Bismarck’s Legacy (1890 and 1917/18)

Jacob Burckhardt on Bismarck’s Legacy (1890)

Friedrich Nietzsche on Germany’s Victory over France and the “Cultural Philistine” (1873–76)

Directive to the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Occupation Forces (JCS 1067) (April 1945)

Protocol on Zones of Occupation and the Administration of “Greater Berlin” (September 12, 1944)

Report of the Yalta (Crimea) Conference (February 4-11, 1945)

Excerpts from the Protocol of the Proceedings of the Yalta (Crimea) Conference (February 11, 1945)

The Reparations Settlement and Germany’s Peacetime Economy: Statement by the U.S. State Department (Press Release of December 12, 1945)

Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States on the Economic Fusion of their Respective Zones (December 2, 1946)

Speech by General Lucius D. Clay at the First Meeting of the Minister Presidents in Stuttgart (October 17, 1945)

U.S. Military Governor Joseph McNarney’s Statement to the Allied Control Council (July 20, 1946)

The “People’s Car” on New Paths (January 29, 1948)

Revised Plan for Level of Industry in the Anglo-American Zones (August 29, 1947)

The Western Allies on the Desired Level of Industry in their Zones of Occupation (August 28, 1947)

U.S. Delegation Minutes of the Meeting between the Western Military Governors and the German Minister Presidents regarding the German Reply to the London Documents (July 26, 1948)

The “Koblenz Decisions” of the West German Minister Presidents (July 10, 1948)

Authorization for Convocation of a Constituent Assembly in the Trizone (July 1, 1948)

Speech by Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic, at a Reception Given by the Allied High Commissioners (September 21, 1949)

Announcement of the Impending Establishment of the German Democratic Republic (October 7, 1949)