Display: 1-25 of 48 Results

Daring More Democracy (October 28, 1969)

Economics Minister Karl Schiller on “Concerted Action” (January 9, 1967)

Excerpt from Walter Ulbricht’s Speech at the Rally “Appeal to the Young Revolutionaries of Today” (October 19, 1968)

The Watch on the Rhine [Die Wacht am Rhein] (1840/54), Recording from 1914

A Reenactment from the Battle of Sedan on September 1, 1870 (Sound Recording, 1890)

“People of the World, Look at this City!” – Berlin Mayor Ernst Reuter's Speech on the Berlin Blockade (September 9, 1948)

Kurt Schumacher’s Message to Voters before the First Postwar Elections in West Germany (August 12, 1949)

At the Border Crossing in Helmstedt (November 18, 1950)

The National Anthem of the German Democratic Republic: “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” (1949)

SPD Chairman Kurt Schumacher on the First Elections in the GDR (October 13, 1950)

The GDR Passes a Law Establishing the Ministry for State Security [Stasi] (February 8, 1950)

Following Several Kidnappings, Minister Jakob Kaiser Demands Stricter Border Security (July 16, 1952)

GDR Radio Broadcast on the Founding of the Warsaw Pact (May 15, 1955)

Clips from the Show Trial against Ernst Jennrich (August 25, 1953)

Willy Brandt on the Refugees from the GDR Arriving in West Berlin (September 4, 1958)

Four Former Political Prisoners Share Their Stories (Retrospective Account, 2020)

Speech Welcoming Refugees in a Refugee Camp near Bremen (1946)

“Mrs.” instead of “Miss” – Bundestag Debate on Female Forms of Address (December 17, 1954)

The Bundestag Passes the Law on the Equality of Men and Women (May 3, 1957)

Elvis Presley Arrives in Bremerhaven as a GI (October 1, 1958)

A Legislative Milestone: Mothers and Fathers Now Have Equal Rights (1959)

Why Single Women Are Good Mothers (July 26, 1960)

Interviews with GDR Citizens on the Building of the Wall (August 13, 1961)

GDR Radio Broadcast about the Eichmann Trial (April 11, 1961)

Hitler’s Declaration of War (September 1, 1939)