Display: 1201-1225 of 1,486 Results

Joseph Goebbels on the Concept of Propaganda (1936)

Law for the Protection of National Symbols (May 20, 1933) and Prohibition on the Erection of Monuments to the Führer (December 10, 1933)

Guidelines for Teaching History (1938)

Hitler’s Decree Outlining Competencies in “External Propaganda” (September 8, 1939)

Goebbels’s New Propaganda Guidelines (June 22, 1941)

Wartime Regulation of Language (1942)

Hanns Löhr, “The Physician Must Come to Terms with the Irrational” (1935)

Hitler in the Mountains: Excerpt from Adolf Hitler’s Wahlheimat (1933)

Philipp Lenard, Excerpt from German Physics (1936/37)

Johannes Stark, “Respect for Facts and Aptitude for Exact Observation Reside in the Nordic Race” (1934)

Law for the Protection of Nature (1935)

Decree by Reich Minister of War and Wehrmacht Commander-in-Chief Werner von Blomberg on Political Education and Instruction (January 30, 1936)

Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first “Greater German Reichstag” (January 30, 1939)

Soldier’s Diary Entries on the Takeover of the Sudetenland (1938)

Raymond Geist’s Report on his Conversation with Franz Halder (April 13, 1939)

Hitler’s Secret Speech to Military Commanders (February 10, 1939)

The Police President of Hamburg Reports on the Hamburg Firestorm in July-August 1943 (1943)

Personal Reflections on Surviving Allied Bombings

Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg’s Letter Describing the Aftermath of the Hamburg Firestorm (August 24, 1943)

Heinrich Himmler, “The Fight against the Gypsy Nuisance” (December 14, 1938)

The Wannsee Protocol (January 20, 1942)

Major General Walter Bruns’s Description of the Execution of Jews outside Riga on December 1, 1941 (April 25, 1945)

Report by Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba, two Escapees from Auschwitz (late April 1944)

Count Helmuth James von Moltke’s Memo to Hans Wilbrandt and Alexander Rüstow on Conditions in Germany and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (July 9, 1943)

Note on the Conversations between Adam von Trott zu Solz and “Mr. Eliot” (December 1941)