Display: 1-23 of 23 Results

“Between Berlin and Rome” (1875)

“Modus vivendi” (1878)

Bismarck Introduces Ludwig Windthorst to His Wife Johanna (May 3, 1879)

Kulturkampf Legislation (May 31, 1875)

“Being a Christian in a Time of Need”: 72nd German Catholic Congress in Mainz (September 1-5, 1948)

Signing of the Reich Concordat (July 20, 1933)

Hitler Greets Reich Bishop Ludwig Müller and Abbot Albanus Schachleitner at the “Reich Party Congress for Unity and Strength” (September 1934)

Proceedings against the Bishop of Meissen, Peter Legge, for Foreign Currency Exchange Violations (1935)

Catholic Mass in the “Priests’ Barracks” of Dachau (1942)

Allegorical Depiction of King Frederick William I as the Patron of the Salzburg Protestants in the Year 1732 (1734)

The Salzburg Protestants are Driven out of Austria and Settle in Prussia in the Year 1732 (1734)

The Salzburg Protestants on their Way to Prussia in the Year 1732 (1734)

Satirical Depiction of the Dissolution of the Monasteries as Decreed by Joseph II (c. 1783)

Headline: “We are Pope!” [“Wir sind Papst”] (April 2005)

Albrecht of Brandenburg as Archbishop-Elector of Mainz (1544)

The Seven-Headed Papacy (1543)

Desiderius Erasmus (1523)

Image Series: “The Dignitaries and Offices of the Roman Church” (2nd half of the 16th century)

Seven-Headed Luther (1529)

Council of Trent (mid-17th century)

Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, Archbishop of Salzburg (1597)

Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1597)

Model of a Catholic Diocese