Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

Walter Hallstein (c. 1955)

Walter Ulbricht on a State Visit to Egypt (1965)

East German Government Delegation Visits Cuba (1974)

Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Visits the White House (1977)

Federal Chancellor Adenauer on a State Visit to Moscow (September 11, 1955)

Signing of the Rome Treaties on the Founding of the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Commission) (March 25, 1957)

Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath Justifies Germany’s Withdrawal from the League of Nations in Front of the International Press (October 16, 1933)

Adolf Hitler on a State Visit to Benito Mussolini in Rome (1938)

Joachim von Ribbentrop after the Conclusion of the German-British Naval Treaty in London (June 18, 1935)

The “Pact of Steel”: The Signing of the German-Italian Military Alliance in the New Reich Chancellery (May 22, 1939)

China’s Ambassador Arriving in Berlin (September 1938)

Protest against the Iraq War (January 26, 1991)

Headquarters of the German Army’s KFOR Contingent (August 24, 1999)

Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel visits Refugees from Kosovo (July 8, 1998)

German-Polish Consultations: Gerhard Schröder and Aleksander Kwaśniewski (November 5, 1998)

Angela Merkel in Washington (January 13, 2006)