Display: 1076-1100 of 1,786 Results

Anti-fascist KPD Election Campaign Flyer (1933)

SA Members Arrest Communists in Berlin on the Day after the Reichstag Elections (March 6, 1933)

Prisoners during Roll Call at the Oranienburg “Protective Custody Camp” Near Berlin (April 1, 1933)

Hermann Göring names Heinrich Himmler Deputy Chief and “Inspector of the Prussian Political Police” (April 20, 1934)

Reich Minister of Justice Franz Gürtner Opens the First Session of the People’s Court (July 14, 1934)

Employment of Prisoners at the Oranienburg “Protective Custody Camp” near Berlin (April 1, 1933)

An SS Member Signs the Oath of Loyalty to Hitler at a Mass Rally on the People’s Day of Mourning (February 25, 1934)

Advertisement by the Dehomag Company for Hollerith Punch Cards, which were used in the 1933 Census (June 1933)

Prisoners Doing Leveling Work at the Dachau Concentration Camp (May 24, 1933)

Busts of Hitler (right) and Göring (left) in the Main Hall of the Secret State Police Office (1935)

Hitler’s Bodyguard Regiment [SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler] during a Six-Day Deployment (1936)

Heinrich Himmler during an Inspection of the Dachau Concentration Camp (March 1938)

Heinrich Himmler Trains for the Reich Sport Badge in Silver (1936)

Heinrich Himmler, Frank Ziereis, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner at the Mauthausen Concentration Camp (April 27, 1941)

“Traitor” (1944)

Reinhard Heydrich at a Fencing Competition with the Berlin SS Fencing Team (1939)

Himmler Orders the Arrest and Execution of Members of the Oppositional Czech Intelligentsia after the Attack on Heydrich (May 27, 1942)

Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes after Suffering Heavy Damage in the Ambush (May 27, 1942)

The Lidice Massacre: SS Members Set the Village Ablaze (July 1, 1942)

Himmler’s Commentary on Page 33 (Volume 2) of Mein Kampf: “The Possibility of De-miscegenation Exists” (1927)

Disbarment: A Jewish Lawyer is Removed from the List of Lawyers Licensed to Practice at the District Court of Tilsit in East Prussia (June 9, 1933)

Female SS Guards after their Arrest in Bergen-Belsen (April 15, 1945)

“Jews Not Wanted in Behringersdorf” (1933)

View of a Section of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp after its Liberation by American Troops (May 1, 1945)

Session of the Presidential Committee of the “Reich Deputation of Jews” in Berlin (1933)