Display: 1-25 of 70 Results

Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes after Suffering Heavy Damage in the Ambush (May 27, 1942)

Diary Entries on the Nazi Terror in France (1941)

“He is to Blame for the War!” (1943/44)

Captured French-African Soldiers (1940)

Fritz Sauckel’s Labor Mobilization Program (April 20, 1942)

Employment of Women in Armament Factories (May 7, 1940)

Polish Youths Forced to do Heavy Labor in Luckenwalde (Summer 1940)

Forced Laborers in Wartime Germany (1939–45)

Women from the Soviet Union are Transported to Germany to Perform Forced Labor (1942)

Himmler’s Secret Directive on the Care of All Legitimate and Illegitimate Children of “Good Blood” (October 28, 1939)

Reich Ministry of Labor Policy on the Rejection of Labor Conscription for Married Women (September 7, 1939)

“The East Needs You!” Recruitment Brochure for Women Settlement Advisors (n.d.)

Emergency Graves under Destroyed Train Tracks in Berlin (1945)

Symphony Concert in Hanover (1940/41)

Martin Bormann’s Minutes of a Meeting at Hitler’s Headquarters (July 16, 1941)

Directives for the Treatment of Political Commissars (“Commissar Order”) (June 6, 1941)

Directive No. 21: Operation Barbarossa (December 18, 1940)

Invasion of the Soviet Union: A Group of German Tanks before their Deployment (June 22, 1941)

Reich Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop Delivers the Foreign Ministry’s Declaration to the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)

Junkers Warplanes being Assembled (June 1941)

The Army High Command’s Plan for Operation Barbarossa: Cartographic Illustration of the Planned Strategy and the Actual Strategy Implemented (1941)

Soldiers in Front of a Section of the “Atlantic Wall” in Northern France (1943)

Members of the People’s Army [Volkssturm] with Weapons and a Battering Ram during an Exercise in Sanssouci in Potsdam (Fall 1944)

German Soldier after the Capitulation in Stalingrad (January/February 1943)

After the Battle – Surviving Members of the 6th Army (February 1943)