Display: 1-25 of 38 Results

The German Education Crisis (1963)

Heinrich Böll on the Psychological Impact of the Economic Miracle (1960)

Statement by the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany to the Representatives of the Ecumenical Council of Churches (October 19, 1945)

Film Review: Murderers Among Us (October 16, 1946)

Synod of the Protestant Church in Germany: “Statement on the Jewish Question” (April 27, 1950)

Hermann Hesse, Letter to a Young German (1946)

Luise Rinser: Response to Hermann Hesse (1946)

“Film Diplomacy”: The Controversy about Night and Fog (1956)

Parliamentary Debate about the Documentary Night and Fog (1956)

The Controversy about Alain Resnais’ Documentary Night and Fog (1956)

OMGUS Survey on German Attitudes toward the Nuremberg Trials (1945–46)

OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Collective Guilt (December 1946)

Trümmerfilm: Murderers Among Us (October 17, 1946)

Festive Premiere of the First German Movie (October 16, 1946)

Theodor W. Adorno, “The Meaning of Working through the Past” (1963)

Review of Günter Grass’s Novel Dog Years (1963)

A Psychological Critique of the Refusal to Accept the Loss of the World War II (1967)

Hermann Lübbe on Neoconservatism (1983)

A Liberal Intellectual Reflects on the Burden of “Being German” (1983)

The Emotional Impact of the Broadcast of Holocaust, an American TV Miniseries, in the Federal Republic (1979)

The Television Movie Heimat: German Longing and Hatred for the Lost Mythical Home (1984)

The Liberal Social Philosopher Jürgen Habermas Insists on the Importance of Critical Memory (November 7, 1986)

Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker on the Meaning of Being German (1986)

Excerpts from Ernst von Salomon’s Answers to the 131 Questions in the Allied Military Government Fragebogen (1951)

Alfred Döblin on the German Population (1946)