Display: 1-25 of 41 Results

Kneeling before the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial (December 7, 1970)

Adolf Eichmann behind Bulletproof Glass during his Trial in Jerusalem (1961)

Der Spiegel on the TV Miniseries “Holocaust” (January 28, 1979)

Elie Wiesel in West Berlin (1986)

The Lidice Massacre: SS Members Set the Village Ablaze (July 1, 1942)

“He is to Blame for the War!” (1943/44)

“Aryan” Germans at an Auction of Deported Jews’ Possessions (1942)

“The East Needs You!” Recruitment Brochure for Women Settlement Advisors (n.d.)

Shooting of a Polish Priest (1939)

The Eternal Jew, Film Poster (September 1940)

Nazi Propaganda Poster Exploiting Soviet Atrocities in Ukraine (1943)

Mass Execution of Lithuanian Jews by Members of the Wehrmacht and the Lithuanian Self-Protection Unit [Selbstschutz] (1942)

Soccer in Theresienstadt (c. 1943/44)

Pastor André Trocmé and His Wife Magda Trocmé (n.d.)

High-Altitude Experiment on Prisoners (1942)

Women Cleaning Up after Forced Evictions in the Warthegau (1941)

The Bridge on Kirchenplatz Connecting Two Parts of the Lodz Ghetto (1940/41)

Plundered Jewish Property in Paris (1942–43)

Roma and Sinti Women Weave Reed Mats in the Ravensbrück Concentration Camp (1941)

The Villa at Tiergartenstrasse 4 (c. 1935)

Children from the Lodz Ghetto are Transported to the Chelmno Death Camp (September 1942)

Jews Deported from Würzburg (April 25, 1942)

A Resident of the Lodz Ghetto is Abused and Humiliated (1942)

A Mountain of Glasses from the Victims of Auschwitz (1945)

Raoul Wallenberg and the Rescue of Jews in Budapest (1944)