Display: 1-16 of 16 Results

Heiner Geißler and the “New Social Question” (1969)

Helping the Homeless in Munich (1984)

Performing Civil Service (1986)

Berlin People’s Kitchen (1860s)

Orphaned Girls and Boys in a Welfare Institution (1846)

Emil Schwabe, Unresolved Questions (1887)

Infant Care Course at the School for Stay-at-Home Mothers in Oberbach/Röhn (1937)

Cooking Class at the School for Reich Brides and Mothers on Schwanenwerder Island in Berlin (1938)

Room for Newborns in the “Lebensborn” Association Maternity Home in Steinhöring (Upper Bavaria) (1938)

Stew for the Winter Relief Fund at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin (1935)

“City Children to the Countryside” (June 1936)

Protest on the Sidelines of the BDI Congress (September 22, 2003)

ATTAC Protest against Agenda 2010 (August 14, 2003)

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Peter Hartz (September 10, 2002)

PDS Slogans against Hartz IV Reforms in Jena (August 9, 2004)

“Monday Demonstration” against Hartz IV Reforms in Rostock (August 9, 2004)