Display: 476-500 of 673 Results

Signing of the Franco-German Armistice at Compiègne (June 22, 1940)

German Radio Operator using the “Enigma” Device (March 1941)

Erwin Rommel on his Defeat in Africa (1942)

“Total War”: Excerpt from Goebbels’s Speech at the Sportpalast in Berlin (February 18, 1943)

Ursula von Kardorff, Diary Entries about Attitudes on the Home Front (October-November, 1942)

Air-Raid Protection Brochure (1935)

German 5 cm Pak 38 Anti-Tank Gun in Open Artillery Position on a Street Crossing in Stalingrad (October 8, 1942)

American Wartime Propaganda Film “Why We Fight” (1942)

Eastern Front: German Tank Stuck in the Snow (December 1941)

Soviet POWs behind Barbed Wire (1942)

Air Marshal Arthur Harris (1942/43)

Eyewitness Götz Bergander Recalls the Bombing of Dresden (Retrospective Account, 1989)

Hitler’s “Scorched Earth” Decree (Nero Decree) (March 19, 1945) and Albert Speer’s Response (March 29, 1945)

Final Days of Fighting in Berlin (1945)

Female Anti-Aircraft Helper (February 1945)

General Wilhelm Keitel Signing the Act of Military Surrender (May 8, 1945)

Hitler Welcomes Admiral Karl Dönitz to His Bunker (1945)

Dresden in the Aftermath of Allied Bombing (February 13-14, 1945)

Inferno in Dresden’s Inner City (February 13, 1945)

After the Unconditional Surrender: Ruins at Brandenburg Gate (May 8, 1945)

Excerpt from a Training Guide by SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Zapp on the “Jewish Question” (end of 1940)

Diary Entry by Felix Landau, Member of a Mobile Killing Squad (July 12, 1941)

The Bridge on Kirchenplatz Connecting Two Parts of the Lodz Ghetto (1940/41)

A Member of the SD Cuts the Beard of a Warsaw Jew (October 1939)

Plundered Jewish Property in Paris (1942–43)