
This footage was shot by the American Information Service (USIS) for inclusion in the American-British newsreel called “Welt im Film,” which was produced for German audiences. It was shown in theaters in 1945 and captures scenes of Soviet troops fighting from street to street against the last defenses in the capital. The final major offensive of the war, the battle lasted from April 16 until May 2, 1945. As many as a quarter million soldiers died during the battle, with perhaps as many wounded. Another roughly 125,000 civilians also died before the Germans surrendered on May 2, two days after Hitler took his own life in his Berlin bunker. It would be another six days until the German military offered its unconditional surrender. The Soviet victory was accompanied by weeks of mass rape and looting throughout the eastern provinces and in Berlin.

Final Days of Fighting in Berlin (1945)


/This is the first newsreel footage of the final battle in Berlin.

/April 30. Russian troops begin an assault on the center of the Reich capital.

/Soviet troops enter the Reich Chancellery, the last pocket of resistance in Berlin.

/This is the end. Berlin surrenders.

/The survivors of the garrison lay down their arms.

Source: Welt im Film 12/1945. Date of release: 8/3/1945.