Display: 201-225 of 673 Results

The Aryan Family (undated)

Institute for Sexual Research: “Un-German” and “Unnatural” Literature is Sorted Out (May 6–10, 1933)

1933 Election Campaign: Hitler’s Posters on the “Eldorado” (Early March 1933)

Propaganda Poster by the Mother and Child Relief Agency (1935)

Berliner Tageblatt Lists the Gay and Lesbian Bars Closed by the Berlin Police (March 4, 1933)

Young Girls Put up a Poster for the League of German Girls (1934)

Youth League Camp Site (1933)

Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, “To Be German is to be Strong” (1936)

“Our People in Danger” (1934)

Reich Women’s Leader Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (1938)

Infant Care Course at the School for Stay-at-Home Mothers in Oberbach/Röhn (1937)

Cooking Class at the School for Reich Brides and Mothers on Schwanenwerder Island in Berlin (1938)

Joseph Goebbels Gives a Present to a Child during a Winter Relief Fund Event (December 1, 1936)

Members of the League of German Girls Have Their Work Inspected (n. d.)

League of German Girls (BDM) Excursion (1937)

Der Stürmer as Teaching Material in Class (c. 1935)

Josef Meisinger on “Combating Homosexuality as a Political Task” (April 5–6, 1937)

Second Execution Order to the Law on the Hitler Youth (“Youth Service Regulation”) (March 25, 1939)

Reich Ministry of Justice Decision on Lesbianism (June 18, 1942)

Law on the Hitler Youth (December 1, 1936)

Room for Newborns in the “Lebensborn” Association Maternity Home in Steinhöring (Upper Bavaria) (1938)

Magda Goebbels at Home with her Children (1938)

“The Cross of Honor for the German Mother”: Three-Tiered Medal for Mothers with Four or More Children (1938)

Gymnastics in the Garden of the School for Reich Brides and Mothers on Schwanenwerder Island in Berlin (1938)

Female Factory Workers during their Lunch Break (1938)