
The texts, images, and audiovisual materials included in this volume focus on similarities and differences between the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) during approximately three decades of political, cultural, social, and physical division. While the approach is largely comparative, emphasis is placed not only on divergence but also on convergence, and on the ways in which developments in East and West were often intertwined. To guard against ideological bias, this volume introduces contradictory viewpoints on contentious questions. Each of the sixteen chapters includes examples or case studies from East and West, with each system being presented on its own terms. Due to the eventual success of the Western model, however, more space is allotted to events in the Federal Republic than the GDR. Finally, the volume seeks to introduce a broad range of topics through a diversity of both genres and voices. The featured sources include not only official decrees, political speeches, and newspaper commentaries, but also eyewitness and other personal accounts, as well as the occasional academic reflection.

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