Display: 1-25 of 85 Results

Model of Rental Barracks on Kastanienallee in the Prenzlauer Berg Neighborhood of Berlin in the1880s

Berlin in the Building Boom of the Founding Era (1875)

Adolph Menzel, Bricklayers on a Building Site (1875)

Jewish Synagogue, Oranienburger Strasse (c. 1885)

Protocol on Zones of Occupation and the Administration of “Greater Berlin” (September 12, 1944)

Black-Market Activity in Berlin (1945)

Appeal by the Preparatory Trade Union Committee for Greater Berlin (June 15, 1945)

Speech by Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev at a Soviet-Polish Meeting in Moscow (November 10, 1958)

Berlin Declaration by the Three Western Powers and the German Federal Republic on Reunification (July 29, 1957)

The U.S. State Department Analyzes the Soviet Note on Berlin (January 7, 1959)

The Berlin Ultimatum (November 27, 1958)

U.S. State Department Memorandum (December 20, 1958)

After the “Storming of Berlin”: Bombed-out People on the Street (May 1, 1945)

Permission to Ride a Bicycle (July 24, 1945)

Coveted Possession: A Woman Defends her Bicycle (1945)

The Economic State of Families, Examples from Berlin (1946/47)

Destroyed Apartment Building in Berlin (1947)

Makeshift Balcony in a Destroyed Berlin House (1946)

Billy Wilder’s A Foreign Affair (1948)

Demonstration by the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime (VVN) at Berlin’s Lustgarten on the Day for the Commemoration of the Victims of Fascism (September 12, 1948)

Women during the May Day Rally in Berlin (May 1, 1946)

Taking a Break during Clearing Operations in Berlin (1945-46)

Seesawing in Rubble (1946)

Shakespeare in the Park in Berlin-Schöneberg (August 1, 1945)

Cultural Diversions in Postwar Berlin (Summer 1945)