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Chapter 3
Racism and Biopolitics
Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
Chapter (3/13)
First Expression of Antisemitism: Hitler’s Letter to Adolf Gemlich (September 16, 1919)
Himmler’s Commentary on Page 33 (Volume 2) of Mein Kampf: “The Possibility of De-miscegenation Exists” (1927)
“Jews Not Wanted in Behringersdorf” (1933)
Disbarment: A Jewish Lawyer is Removed from the List of Lawyers Licensed to Practice at the District Court of Tilsit in East Prussia (June 9, 1933)
Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases (July 14, 1933)
“First a German, then a Civil Servant” (July 31, 1933)
George Messersmith’s Report to the State Department on the “Present Status of the Anti-Semitic Movement in Germany” (September 21, 1933)
Session of the Presidential Committee of the “Reich Deputation of Jews” in Berlin (1933)
Walter Gross’s Radio Speech on Race to German Youth (October 10, 1934)
Shoemaker’s Apprenticeship Program for Members of the Jewish Community in Berlin (1935)
The Reich Citizenship Law (September 15, 1935) and the First Regulation to the Reich Citizenship Law (November 14, 1935)
“For Aryans Only”: Official Inscription on Park Benches (1935)
The Eternal Jew (1940)
Wilhelm Stuckart and Hans Globke, “Civil Rights and the Natural Inequality of Man” (1936)
Flyer with Rules for Protecting the Purity of the Race (c. 1935)
Jews as Sexual Predators (1935)
Comparison of Daily Living Costs for an Individual with a Hereditary Disease and for a Healthy Family (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)
The Nazi View of Disability: Erbkrank (1936)
Two Perspectives on Nazi “Mercy Killing”: SS Article from Das Schwarze Korps (1937) and Letter from Helene (1940)
Lessons in Racial Politics at a Hitler Youth Leadership School (c. 1935)
National Socialist Racial Science: Comparison of the “Nordic” and “Negroid” Races (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)
National Socialist Racial Science: Comparison of an “Aryan” and a “Non-Aryan” Head (from the Slide Series “Blood and Soil”) (c. 1935)
Reich Vocational Competition for Youth (1934)
Film Poster for The Gods of the Stadium (1938)
Olympia (1938)
Map of “Racial Threats” to Germany (1936)
Antisemitic Door Knocker (1937)
National Socialist Racial Science: Color Palettes for Eye-Color Classification (1937)
“The Nazi State Protects the German People from Vermin through its Criminal Code and its Racial Legislation against the Reproduction of Inferiors” (Nazi Publication, 1937)
Group Photo of an SS Wedding on the Grounds of the Main Office for Race and Settlement (1936)
“A Pregnancy Must not be Terminated!” (1933)
Genealogical Table and Family Record Book (undated)
Woman with Two Children in Front of the Breast Milk Collection Site of the Health Office in Berlin-Wilmersdorf (1936)
American Consul Samuel Honaker’s Description of Antisemitic Persecution and of Kristallnacht and its Aftereffects in the Stuttgart Region (November 1938)
Justifying the Law on the Changing of Family Names and First Names (November 6, 1937)
Questionnaire on Tobacco Abuse and Lung Cancer (1939) and Himmler’s Declaration against Alcohol Abuse (December 1937)
Raymond Geist’s Report to George Messersmith on the Interministerial Meeting at the Reich Aviation Ministry and the Nazi Regime’s Future Plans for the Jews (April 4, 1939)
Signed Letter by Hitler Authorizing Euthanasia Killings (Backdated to September 1, 1939)
T4 Registration Form (1939/1940)
Lily Offenbacher Shares Her Knowledge of the Euthanasia Program with the U.S. Coordinator of Information (September 1941)
Captured French-African Soldiers (1940)
“Behind the Enemy Powers: the Jew” (1941)
“He is to Blame for the War!” (1943/44)
The Führer’s Decree on Preserving the Purity of the SS and the Police (November 15, 1941)
Policing the Reich
Economy and Consumer Politics