The stage has been redecorated,
what was bad has apparently been
sorted out.
The mimes stand in front of the backdrop
practise their compromises.
The spotlight is turned on,
and in
front, right at the front, is the hero.
The stage hero delivers his
while constantly growing and growing.
He sings with the
help of all his limbs
the most beautiful election promise
and some people applaud the song,
because they can only
see the hero.
But hidden from sight and hearing
sits Wehner,
the prompter.
From the most important seat
he gives cues and
whole sentences to the hero.
But, acting like a real star,
acts as though it were his own performance.
And at the back, the
staff push
dummies through the auditorium.
The corps of
functionaries in the ramp
with dimmed red lights
both this stage play
as well as the big politics.
slogans and contradictions
Trust is shattered.
Not only people
of intellect notice this,
even the naive one notices
Moral: the singer is fundamentally
only important because
of the gold in his mouth.
But for the whole production
party is in charge.
And whoever supports the star
also votes
for all his comrades.
Source: "Demnächst nicht in diesem Theater”: CDU Election
Campaign Ad, 1961. Courtesy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. ACDP,