Display: 1-17 of 17 Results

Political Principles of the Social Democratic Party (May 1946)

SPD Campaign Rally with Kurt Schumacher (at the Microphone) on Königsplatz in Munich (November 25, 1946)

“Der Wirtschafts-Wunder-Baum”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

Federal Constitutional Court Verdict Banning the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and the Concluding Justification (August 17, 1956)

Petition Submitted by the Federal Government to the Federal Constitutional Court Requesting a Ban on the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) (November 22, 1951)

SPD Party Chairman Kurt Schumacher (October 8, 1950)

“All Marxist Paths Lead to Moscow”: Election Poster for the Christian Democratic Union (1953)

“No Experiments!” CDU Election Campaign Ad (1957)

Banning of the West German Communist Party (August 19, 1956)

“Demnächst nicht in diesem Theater”: CDU Election Campaign Ad (1961)

Rolf Helm, Department Chief in the East German Ministry of Justice: Reparations in West Germany (1958)

“Behind the Enemy Powers: the Jew” (1941)

The “Sacrificial Spirit” of the Youth on Film: Hitlerjunge Quex (1933)

“Red Army Soldier! Liberate Yourself!” (after 1941)

“Victory or Bolshevism” (1943)

German-American Bund Rally in New York City (February 20, 1939)

Great Anti-Bolshevist Exhibition Poster (1937)