Display: 1-25 of 49 Results

Erich Honecker on the “Unity of Economic and Social Policy” (June 15–19, 1971)

Social Policy and Economic Planning (April 28, 1972)

Taking Stock of the Federal Government’s Social Policy (May 17, 1974)

Expansion of the Social Welfare State (September 24, 1973)

The “New Poverty” in the Federal Republic (1976)

Social Welfare State Based on the Rule of Law (April 4, 1973)

The Family in the Context of Women’s Equality (December 20, 1965)

Legalizing First Trimester Abortions in the GDR (March 13, 1972)

Social Policy and Women (1989)

Declining Birth Rates (1950–1990)

Erich Honecker Reviews His Successes (April 17–21, 1986)

Cheap Rents and Housing Shortages (Retrospective Account, 2010)

Economic and Social Policy at the Local Level (1986)

The CDU and the “Social Market Economy”: Düsseldorf Guidelines for Economic Policy, Agricultural Policy, Social Policy, and Housing (July 15, 1949)

The 6th Interzonal Trade Union Conference: Position of Women in the Economy, the Restructuring of Social Security (October 21–23, 1947)

Recommendations for Promoting Women’s Work in East German Enterprises (1949)

“The Family – The Core of the Rebirth of Germany,” Article by School Councilor G. Wolff, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Germany (August 30, 1946)

“Ten Years of Social Policy in the Two German States”: Article by the Former Director of Social Security of the GDR, Paul Peschke (October 1959)

East German Minister of Justice Hilde Benjamin: “Who Has the Say in the Family?” (February 1, 1958)

Circular from the Ministry for Labor and Health Care on the Termination of Pregnancy (October 2, 1950)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

Emil Schäfer on the Person and Tasks of the Federal Minister of Family Affairs (1953)

The Social Democratic Party’s Housing Construction Program for the Western Occupation Zones (May/June, 1949)

Proclamation of the Principles of Urban Planning by the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (September 15, 1950)

OMGUS Survey: How do the Germans View the Lastenausgleich? (November 1948)