Display: 251-275 of 1,486 Results

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Louise Otto’s Statement of Principles in the First Issue of Frauen-Zeitung (April 21, 1849)

Women’s Activism during the Revolution: Appeal of the Married Women and Maidens of Württemberg to German Warriors (1849)

Conservative Criticism of Women’s Activism (1852)

Speech by Louise Otto, Chairwoman of the General German Women’s Association, at its Third General Assembly (1869)

Speech by Louise Otto, Chairwoman of the General German Women’s Association, at its Third General Assembly (1869)

A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)

First Feminist Efforts: Statutes of the General German Women’s Association (1865)

David Friedrich Strauss, Conclusion, The Life of Jesus (1836)

Ludwig Philippson, “Pamphlets and Polemics,” Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums (May 7, 1842)

Founding of the Association for the Promotion of Employment Qualifications among Members of the Female Sex (Retrospective, 1891)

Excerpts from Two Sermons by Friedrich August Tholuck, “What is Human Reason Worth?” (c. 1840) and “When is Greater Civic Freedom Fortunate for a People?” (1848)

Ludwig von Rohden, Excerpts from History of the Rhenish Missionary Society (1857)

Daniel Schenkel, Excerpts from The German Protestant Association (1868)

Jakob Marx on the Exhibition of the Holy Robe in Trier (1844)

Romanticism: Friedrich Schlegel, Excerpts from Selected Works (1798–1804)

Preface to the Second Edition of the Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (1819)

Correspondence between Jacob Grimm and Jernej Kopitar (1823–24)

Classicism: Excerpts from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Conversations with Johann Peter Eckermann (1824–28)

Ludolf Wienbarg, Aesthetic Campaigns. Dedicated to Young Germany (1834)

Heinrich Heine: Excerpts from The Romantic School (1836)

George Gottfried Gervinus, Excerpts from the Introduction to The History of the Poetical National Literature of the Germans (1840)

Classical and Romantic Cultural Styles: Prince Clemens von Metternich and King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia (June 1840)

Ernst Dronke on Popular Theater, Bourgeois Theater, and Court Theater in Berlin (1846)

Berthold Auerbach on his Approach to Village Tales from the Black Forest (1844)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Excerpts from Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline (1817)