Display: 401-425 of 1,486 Results

The Rural Landlord and “His” People (c. 1883)

Prussian Junkers as Farmers and Huntsmen (1870s–1880s)

Carl Büchsel, Memories of a Rural Death (1860s)

Financing the Upbringing and Education of a Bourgeois Family (1860–1890)

Lifestyle and Expenditures of a Public Servant’s Family in Berlin (1889)

Household of a Large Working-Class Family in a Village near Frankfurt am Main (1877)

Large Dresden Family Living on 1,000 Marks per Year (1880s)

Interior of a Leipzig Law Professor’s Home (1870s–1880s)

A Working-Class File-Cutter Remembers his Fatherless Childhood (1879–1909)

Working-Class Boarding Houses in Chemnitz and Berlin (1890)

Lifestyle and Expenditures of a Skilled Worker’s Family in Berlin (1890)

Uneconomic Lifestyles of Workers, as Reported by Bourgeois Critics (1884 and 1889)

Werner von Siemens’ Enterprise (1872)

Food Expenditures of Two Working-Class Families (1887–1888)

A Tailor in a Small Pomeranian Town (1870s)

Retail Clerks in Changing Economic Times (c. 1890)

Miners Petition to the King of Prussia for Relief from Intolerable Working Conditions in Essen (June 29, 1867)

Butchers, Cattle-Traders, and Jews in Mainz

Artisanal Masters Oppose the Rise of Factory Work in Krefeld (1870s)

Police Reports on Strikebreaking and Workplace Conflict in Hamburg (1889)

Franz Rehbein, Farm Worker (c. 1890)

Childhood of a Tobacco Worker (1868–70)

Categories of Rural Workers in the Late Nineteenth Century

Wartime Distress Experienced by Chemnitz Workers in Summer 1866 (Retrospective Account, 1910)

Flax Cultivation on the Lüneburg Heath (1870s)