Display: 801-825 of 1,486 Results

“The Strict Husband”: Letters from Readers of Neues Deutschland (November 14, 1959)

Walther von Hollander on the Breakdown of Marriages, Separation, Divorce (1946)

“A Negro Soldier Experiences Germany” (May 28, 1949)

Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)

From a Lecture by Oberstudiendirektor Kurt Hahn at a Sex Education Workshop for Young People at Jugendburg Bilstein/Sauerland (September 14, 1950)

“The Last Soldiers of the Great War”: Article from Die Zeit (October 13, 1955)

Emil Schäfer on the Person and Tasks of the Federal Minister of Family Affairs (1953)

Newspaper Article about Children of African-American Members of the Allied Forces (1951)

The Academic Success of Mixed-race Children. Study by the Institute for Anthropology in the Sciences and Humanities (1956)

The Illegitimate Children of Members of the Occupying Forces in the Federal Republic and in West Berlin (1956)

Guidelines for School Policy for the German Democratic School (August 24, 1949)

Joint Appeal by the KPD and the SPD for Democratic School Reform (October 18, 1945)

The Immediate Tasks of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education: Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party (February 1951)

Founding Resolution of the Free German Youth (February 26, 1946)

Political Guidelines for Party Organizations on Preparing and Implementing the Jugendweihe (1957)

Report by the Office of the Presidium of the GDR Government on University and College Admissions for the 1957/58 Academic Year (December 21, 1957)

Submission to the Secretariat of the Central Council of the Free German Youth: Gang Activity among Young People in Berlin (December 4, 1959)

Law on the Socialist Development of the School System in the German Democratic Republic (December 2, 1959)

Statute of the Free German Youth (May 12–15, 1959)

Two Pledges for the Jugendweihe (1955/1958)

Stefan Heymann, "Cosmopolitanism and Formalism" (December 1, 1949)

Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, adopted at the Fifth Session (March 15-17, 1951)

Neues Deutschland Report on a Discussion about Realism and Formalism in the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg (April 24, 1951)

Poem by Johannes R. Becher on the Death of Stalin (1953)

From the 69th Program of the “Cultural League for the Democratic Renewal of Germany” (June 1945)