Display: 1126-1150 of 1,486 Results

Lion Feuchtwanger, “Thou Shalt Dwell in Houses Thou Hast Not Builded” (March 20, 1935)

Extracts from the Manual of the Reich Chamber of Culture (1937)

The Fundamentals of German Radio Programming (August 1938)

Gottfried Feder, The New City (1939)

Letters to Hitler (1933–1943)

Letter from the Rudolf Mosse Publishing House to a Former Subscriber to the Berliner Tageblatt (May 12, 1933)

American Culture as “The Kitschified Mass Soul” (1944)

Goebbels’ Call for Retribution (June 5, 1943)

Karl Alexander von Müller, “The Influence of the Peasantry in the National Community of the Volk” (1938)

Hitler’s Letter to Colonel Walther von Reichenau on Germany’s Situation with Respect to Foreign Relations (December 4, 1932)

Hitler’s Comments at a Dinner with the Chiefs of the Army and the Navy (February 3, 1933)

Summary of Hitler’s Meeting with the Heads of the Armed Services on November 5, 1937 (Hossbach Protocol of November 10, 1937)

Werner von Fritsch Reflects on the Relationship between the SS and the Wehrmacht (February 1, 1938)

The Munich Agreement (September 29, 1938)

Martin Bormann’s Minutes of a Meeting at Hitler’s Headquarters (July 16, 1941)

Directives for the Treatment of Political Commissars (“Commissar Order”) (June 6, 1941)

Plan for the Public Campaign „Women Help Achieve Victory“ (March 19, 1941)

Directive No. 21: Operation Barbarossa (December 18, 1940)

SD Report to the Party Chancellery on “Basic Questions Regarding the Mood and Attitude of the German People” (November 29, 1943)

Female Survival in Berlin in April 1945 (Retrospective Account, 1950s)

The American Jewish Committee Assesses the Situation of the Jews in Germany (March 1, 1935, and June 1, 1937)

Jews in Public Bathing Areas: Letter from the NSDAP in Hesse to the Lord Mayor of Frankfurt (July 27, 1938)

Statistical Report on the “Final Solution,” known as the Korherr Report (March 23, 1943)

The Persecution of Jews in Romania: Excerpts from Mihail Sebastian’s Journal (1938–1944)

A View from Paris: Excerpts from the Diary of Hélène Berr (1942-1944)