Display: 1576-1600 of 1,641 Results

The Legal Status of Subject Villagers in Prussia, as reflected in the General Law Code for the Prussian States (1794)

The Prussian “October Edict” of 1807 (October 9, 1807)

Emperor Joseph II’s Taxation and Urbarial Patent (1789)

Jérôme [Hieronymus] Napoleon, King of Westphalia, Decree on the Abolition of Personal Serfdom in the French Satellite Kingdom of Westphalia (January 23, 1808)

Decree on the Abolition of Personal Serfdom in Schleswig-Holstein (December 19, 1804)

The Prussian Declaration of 1816, modifying the Regulation Edict of 1811 (May 29, 1816)

Theodor von Hippel, On Improving the Status of Women (1792)

“The Education of the Countryman in Lippe” (1789)

“Medical Advice on the Bodily and Mental Health of Children” (1794)

A Protestant Pastor on Courtship and Marriage among Propertied Farmers and Tenant Farmers in Westphalia (1786)

On Child Rearing in the Villages of the Southern German Principality of Ansbach (1787)

General Law Code for the Prussian States, Part II.2: “Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children” (1794)

Johanna Schopenhauer, the Daughter of a Danzig Merchant, Reflects on Her Childhood and Youth in the 1770s (published posthumously, 1839)

A Boy’s Childhood in Cologne, c. 1810 (1862)

The Son of a Non-Commissioned Prussian Officer Reflects on His Childhood and Youth in the Late Eighteenth Century (published posthumously, 1874)

The Childhood and Youth of a Prussian Nobleman in the Late Eighteenth Century. From the Memoirs of Friedrich August Ludwig von der Marwitz (published posthumously, 1908)

Childhood in Rostock, on the Baltic Coast (1807)

The Early Life of a Nuremberg Tailor’s Son (1798)

A Noblewoman from Schleswig-Holstein Reflects on Her Idyllic Childhood in the Late Eighteenth Century (published posthumously, 1896)

Law Governing Divorce in the Grand Duchy of Baden (1809)

Servants’ Ordinance (1703)

Sumptuary Ordinance (1703)

Classified Ads from the Hamburger Relations-Courier (March 23, 1736)

Real Estate Advertisement from the Reichspostreuter (August 3, 1776)

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Excerpts from The Education of the Human Race (1777)