Display: 1-25 of 26 Results

Maria Theresia of Austria as a Widow (1772)

The Wedding of Francis I of Austria and Elizabeth of Württemberg (1788)

Ferdinand III (1630s)

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (Late 17th Century)

The Turkish Siege of Vienna in the Year 1683 (c. 1685)

Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, in his Coronation Regalia (after 1790)

Joseph II Plows a Field near Slavikovice on August 19, 1769 (Late 18th Century)

Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (1st Half of the 18th Century)

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (c. 1804)

Wenzel Anton Kaunitz-Rietberg, Austrian Chancellor (1755)

Prince Eugene of Savoy, Austrian Military Commander and Patron of the Arts (c. 1710)

Maria Theresa with her Husband Francis I and Crown Prince Joseph (Joseph II) (1747)

The Imperial Palace at Schönbrunn, Garden Side (1759-60)

Schloss Hof, View from the Gardens (1759-60)

Leopold Joseph von Daun (18th century)

Maria Theresa and Her Family on the Terrace of Schönbrunn Palace (c. 1755)

Nikolaus Joseph von Esterházy (18th century)

Prince Eugene of Savoy and His General Staff at the Battle of Zenta on September 11, 1697 (1712)

Frederick II Leads the Third Charge of the Prussian Cavalry at the Battle of Mollwitz on April 10, 1741 (late 18th century)

Commemorative Plan of the Battle of Roßbach (Saxony) on November 5, 1757 (c. 1760)

The Battlefield at Hohenfriedberg/Silesia on June 4, 1745 (18th century)

Commemorative Reproduction of the Battle of Leuthen on December 5, 1757 (1758)

Joseph Haydn (1792)

Allegorical Depiction of Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration of 1781 (1782)

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (2nd Half of the 18th Century)