Display: 1-25 of 55 Results

Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 2nd Armored Division of Fort Hood, Texas (Late October 1963)

Helmut Kohl Visits a German Military Base in Koblenz (November 29, 1982)

American Troops in Hutzdorf (1985)

“Women for Peace,” East Berlin (July 3, 1983)

Kingdom of Hanover: Grenadiers of the Guard, Drummer, and Common Soldiers (c. 1835)

Bivouac Life (1848)

Taking Tea on the Terrace of the Neue Palais (July 9, 1870)

Jewish Field Service during the Franco-Prussian War (undated)

The Battle of Königgrätz, July 3, 1866 (1866)

The Wounded Pour into Dresden (19th Century)

Prussian Troops Arrive in Dresden on June 18, 1866 (no date)

Arrival of Mecklenburg Artillery in Leipzig in June 1866 (no date)

Entry of Victorious Prussian Troops into Berlin (September 21, 1866)

Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the Prussian General Staff (1886)

Military Barracks in Dresden (1877)

Wilhelm I and Entourage at the Battle of Königgrätz on July 3, 1866 (Painting, 1872)

Austrian and Saxon Artillery on the Heights of Problus at the Battle of Königgrätz on July 3, 1866 (no date)

Troops Parade down the Champs Élysée in Paris (March 1, 1871)

Troops Parade through the Brandenburg Gate (June 16, 1871)

Soviet and American Officers Meet (1945)

View from the West: Soviet Tanks in East Berlin (June 17, 1953)

Stones vs. Tanks: Workers’ Uprising (June 17, 1953)

Propaganda Posters for the Planned European Defense Community (April 1953)

The First Soldiers of the National People’s Army (NVA) are Sworn In (April 30, 1956)

Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Defense Minister Theodor Blank Visit the First Bundeswehr Training Battalion (January 20, 1956)