Display: 1251-1275 of 1,786 Results

The Eternal Jew, Film Poster (September 1940)

Postage Stamps Commemorating the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch (1943)

Nazi Propaganda Poster Exploiting Soviet Atrocities in Ukraine (1943)

Propaganda Poster from Occupied Poland: “Beware of Typhus. Avoid Jews” (1941)

Goebbels’s Speech at the Sportpalast in Berlin (February 18, 1943)

“Red Army Soldier! Liberate Yourself!” (after 1941)

Inauguration of the “Langemarck Studium” of the Reich Students Leadership in Hanover (December 9, 1938)

Poster Urging Vaccination against Diphtheria (c. 1934)

“Mothers, Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine!” (1942)

Autobahn Construction (1936)

Awarding of the German National Prize for Science and Art at the Nuremberg Opera House during the Nuremberg Rally (September 6, 1938)

Land Reclamation: Members of the Reich Labor Service Construct Drainage Channels (1936)

Atom-Smashing Experiment at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Berlin (1939)

Laboratory Workers at the Institute for Hygiene in Hamburg (1937)

Big Chancellor, Little Chancellor: Caricature of Hitler and Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß Shortly before the Latter’s Assassination (Summer 1934)

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume 2 (1926)

Reichswehr Generals at a Military Parade in Berlin (June 1, 1934)

Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath Justifies Germany’s Withdrawal from the League of Nations in Front of the International Press (October 16, 1933)

The Reichswehr Swears an Oath of Allegiance to Adolf Hitler on the Day of Hindenburg’s Death (August 2, 1934)

Transcript of Surreptitiously Taped Conversations among German Nuclear Physicists at Farm Hall (August 6-7, 1945)

Cheering Austrians Greet Adolf Hitler in his Hometown of Braunau am Inn (March 12, 1938)

Werner von Blomberg, Hermann Göring, Werner von Fritsch, and Adolf Hitler at the “Reich Party Rally for Work,” Nuremberg (September 1937)

Adolf Hitler on a State Visit to Benito Mussolini in Rome (1938)

Referendum on the Annexation [Anschluss] of Austria to the German Reich: Advertisement for “Yes” Votes in Hamburg (April 1, 1938)

Düsseldorf Residents Greet German Troops during the Occupation of the Rhineland (March 10, 1936)