Display: 1326-1350 of 1,786 Results

Preparations for a Salvo Launch of V-2 Rockets in the So-Called Heidelager near Blizna (Poland) (1944)

Otto Hahn Repeats his Nuclear Fission Experiment of December 1938 (June 30, 1962)

Signing of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty (August 23, 1939)

A Danzig Street Decorated with Swastika Flags (1937)

German Soldiers Dismantle a Polish Border Barrier (September 1, 1939)

Germans in Front of a Radio Store in Berlin Listen to News of the Invasion of Poland (September 1, 1939)

Adolf Hitler among General Field Officers and Adjutants with Advancing Troops (September 1, 1939)

Alleged War Guilt: Former German Ambassador to Poland, Hans-Adolf von Moltke, Shows Foreign Journalists Archival Materials from Warsaw as “Proof” of Poland’s Responsibility for the War (Fall 1939)

Resettlement Action: Budapest Rations Station for Ethnic Germans from Bukovina (1940)

Women Cleaning Up after Forced Evictions in the Warthegau (1941)

Crew Members of Submarine U 50 (March 2, 1940)

View of a Factory Workshop for the Production of Artillery Shells (November 13, 1940)

German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty – The New Borders after the Division of Poland (September 28, 1939)

Signing of the Franco-German Armistice at Compiègne (June 22, 1940)

German Radio Operator using the “Enigma” Device (March 1941)

Air-Raid Protection Brochure (1935)

German 5 cm Pak 38 Anti-Tank Gun in Open Artillery Position on a Street Crossing in Stalingrad (October 8, 1942)

Eastern Front: German Tank Stuck in the Snow (December 1941)

Soviet POWs behind Barbed Wire (1942)

Air Marshal Arthur Harris (1942/43)

Female Anti-Aircraft Helper (February 1945)

General Wilhelm Keitel Signing the Act of Military Surrender (May 8, 1945)

Hitler Welcomes Admiral Karl Dönitz to His Bunker (1945)

Dresden in the Aftermath of Allied Bombing (February 13-14, 1945)

Inferno in Dresden’s Inner City (February 13, 1945)