Display: 1476-1500 of 1,786 Results

Federal Minister of the Environment Jürgen Trittin Defends the Eco-Tax (April 20, 2004)

The CDU/CSU Holds Chancellor Schröder Responsible for Mass Unemployment (March 1, 2005)

FDP Campaign: “Freedom instead of Socialism” (July 18, 2005)

Election Posters: Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel (August 23, 2005)

Right-Wing Extremist Parties Present their Campaign Posters for the 2005 Bundestag Elections (August 4, 2005)

The PDS Votes on its Name (July 23, 2005)

Gregor Gysi and Oskar Lafontaine (September 10, 2005)

The New Cabinet under the Leadership of Chancellor Merkel (November 24, 2005)

Close Outcome of the 2005 Elections (September 18, 2005)

Signing of the Coalition Agreement (November 18, 2005)

Prospects for Political Coalitions (September 20, 2005)

Angela Merkel is Sworn in as Chancellor (November 22, 2005)

Angela Merkel at an Election Rally in Erfurt (August 26, 2005)

Oldenburg Party Conference: The Greens Seek a New Role in the Opposition (October 15, 2005)

The Founding of the Left Party (June 16, 2007)

Federal Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble at the Launch of Germany’s Anti-Terrorism Database (March 30, 2007)

Pharmacists Protest against Healthcare Reform (November 8, 2006)

Globalization Critics Demonstrate against the G-8 Summit (June 2, 2007)

Demonstration during the Meeting of the Federalism Commission (February 16, 2006)

Spiegel Cover: “One Year of the Grand Coalition” (October 30, 2006)

Demonstration on the First Anniversary of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy (September 15, 2009)

Protesting GM’s Refusal to Sell Opel (November 5, 2009)

Adopting Renewable Energy (2010)

Angela Merkel Elected for a Fourth Term (September 24, 2017)

Time Magazine Cover, Angela Merkel (2015)