Display: 1-25 of 30 Results

“The Commercial Councilor” (1884)

“Der – Die – Das” (1897)

“Between Berlin and Rome” (1875)

Antisemitic Caricature: “Metamorphosis” (1903)

Antisemitic Caricature: The Jew as Sexual Predator (1899)

“The Future of the Empire Foretold” (September 9, 1866)

“The Extent of Our Agreement” (October 13, 1861)

“The Opportunity is Favorable” (June 3, 1866)

French Caricature about Prussian Expansion (1867)

Cham, “To Use a Needle...” (September 1866)

Honoré Daumier, “The New Gulliver” (1866)

Caricature: Elections in Prussia, England, and America (1867)

A South German View of Liberal Capitulation (April 1868)

“The Greedy Boy” (January 10, 1885)

The Fisk Jubilee Singers Tour Germany (1877–78)

“Reichstag Dissolution” (July 7, 1878)

“The Favorite” (May 30, 1880)

“Bismarck Unmasked” (1879)

What the Coming Reichstag Will Look Like (1878)

“Germany’s Future” (1870)

“The New Prussian Coat of Arms” (August 30, 1871)

“His Holiness, Wilhelm the Butcher” (1870)

Southern Germany and the North German Confederation (April 11, 1868)

“Something is Rotten in the State, etc.” (October 4, 1868)

“The South Seas are the Mediterranean of the Future” (July 13, 1884)