Display: 1-22 of 22 Results

Refugees are Transported to West Germany from Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport (1953)

Carrying One’s Possessions in a Backpack (1945)

Jewish Displaced Persons Leave Munich on Trains Bound for France (1948)

“Displaced Persons” (DPs) Take Part in a Flag Ceremony (1945)

The First Refugees Arrive at the Zeilsheim Camp (1945)

Camp for “Displaced Persons” from the Soviet Union (1945-46)

Everyday life in a Berlin Camp for ethnic Germans (1945)

Refugee Movement (1950–1963)

New Residential Buildings in Lübeck (September 1955)

Friedland Border Transit Camp (March 16, 1976)

Friedland Border Transit Camp (1988)

Kindertransport Identity Card (May 1939)

Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel visits Refugees from Kosovo (July 8, 1998)

Asylum in Eisenhüttenstadt: Living Container (May 14, 1992)

Asylum Legislation becomes a Campaign Topic (July 2, 1998)

Central Office for Asylum Applications in Eisenhüttenstadt (March 21, 1997)

Deportation of Rejected Asylum Seekers (July 16, 1993)

Tents on the Grounds of a Church in Budapest-Zugliget (Summer 1989)

GDR Refugees with their New West German Passports (August 19, 1989)

East German Cars on Budapest Roadsides (Summer 1989)

Refugees from Kosovo Arrive in Lower Saxony (April 8, 1999)

Syrian Population in Germany (2021)