Display: 401-425 of 455 Results

View of Dresden from the Right Bank of the Elbe (1748)

Evening Music at a Hamburg Musical College (c. 1740)

Goethe in His Frankfurt Study, Self-Portrait (1770-73)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1777)

Georg Friedrich Händel (1734)

“Faust Conjures up the Spirits” (c. 1840)

Friedrich Hölderlin (1792)

August Wilhelm Schlegel (c. 1790)

Joseph Haydn (1792)

Achim von Arnim (1804)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Campagna, Italy (1786-87)

Goethe with Johann August Friedrich John (1831)

Ludwig van Beethoven (c. 1820)

The Vienna Freemasons Lodge (1790)

The Church of St. Charles in Vienna (1720)

Prussian Edict: All Unauthorized Jews Should be Driven from the Land Immediately (January 10, 1724)

Frederick William (“the Great Elector”) receives the Huguenots in the Year 1685 (1782)

Allegorical Depiction of King Frederick William I as the Patron of the Salzburg Protestants in the Year 1732 (1734)

The Salzburg Protestants are Driven out of Austria and Settle in Prussia in the Year 1732 (1734)

The Salzburg Protestants on their Way to Prussia in the Year 1732 (1734)

Prussian Edict: All Fraudulence Committed by Jews in Financial Transactions Must Be Stopped (April 8, 1726)

The Jews’ Alley [Judengasse] and Stockyard in Frankfurt am Main (17th Century)

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Johann Caspar Lavater at Moses Mendelssohn’s Home in 1763 (1856)

Satirical Depiction of the Dissolution of the Monasteries as Decreed by Joseph II (c. 1783)

Allegorical Depiction of Joseph II’s Edict of Toleration of 1781 (1782)