Display: 26-50 of 673 Results

The Enabling Act (March 24, 1933)

Enabling Act Adopted: Front Page of the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (March 24, 1933)

Otto Wels, SPD Chairman and Reichstag Deputy (1924)

View of the Kroll Opera House, where the Reichstag Convened after the Reichstag Fire (1938)

Reich President Paul von Hindenburg Delivers His Very First May Day Address, Berlin (May 1, 1933)

Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 7, 1933)

Protocol of Hitler’s Speech to Gauleiters on the Role of the NSDAP (February 2, 1934)

Carl Schmitt, “The Legal Basis of the Total State” (1933)

Law to Safeguard the Unity of Party and State (December 1, 1933)

Hotel Hanslbauer in Bad Wiessee: Scene of the Arrest of Ernst Röhm and his Followers (June 30, 1934)

SA Chief of Staff Ernst Röhm (1934)

The Völkischer Beobachter Justifies the Purge in Response to the “Röhm Putsch” (July 3, 1934)

Hitler Youth on the Occasion of the Referendum for Adolf Hitler (August 19, 1934)

Extension of the “Enabling Act”: Hitler at the Lectern of the Kroll Opera in Berlin (January 30, 1937)

Martin Bormann’s Directive 55/43 (September 29, 1943)

An NSDAP Ordensburg, or Training School for the Party Elite, in Sonthofen, Allgäu (1939)

Martin Bormann and Adolf Hitler on the Berghof Terrace (1942)

Display Window with Busts of Hitler: Souvenirs from the “Reich Party Congress of Freedom” (Fall 1935)

Prussian Minister of Justice Hanns Kerrl Watches as the § Symbol (for German Legal Articles) is Hung from the Gallows (1934)

NSDAP Mass Rally at the Sportpalast in Berlin (August 15, 1935)

“Reich Party Congress of Freedom” (September 1, 1935)

The Organizational Structure of the NSDAP

NSDAP Membership 1929-1945

German Communist Party (KPD) Chairman Ernst Thälmann on his Interrogation by the Gestapo (Retrospective Account, c. 1944)

German Communist Party (KDP) Functionaries Wanted by the German Criminal Police (1933)