Display: 651-673 of 673 Results

Survivors of the Treblinka Uprising (n.d.)

Adam von Trott zu Solz with his Wife Clarita (1944)

Excerpts from Baedeker’s Guidebooks (1936 and 1943)

The New Calling of the Worlds’ Journalists (1942)

Paul Rohrbach on German Colonialism in Africa (1943)

Pro-Nazi Rally in Argentina (April 10, 1938)

Haggling for Colonies: Hitler Meets Franco (October 23, 1940)

China’s Ambassador Arriving in Berlin (September 1938)

Hitler Youth in China (1935)

Colonial Propaganda: Cameroon Tribal Chief in German Armor (n. d.)

Day of Fascist Youth in Padua, Italy (1940)

Degenerate Art: Exhibition Guide (1937)

Guide to the “Degenerate Art” Exhibition (1937)

Martin Bormann’s Note on “Safeguarding the Future of the German People” (January 29, 1944)

Himmler’s Response to Complaints about his “Procreation Decree” (January 30, 1940)

Hitler and Hindenburg on the “The Day of Potsdam” (March 21, 1933)

“The Jesuit – The Obscurantist without a Homeland.” Propaganda Pamphlet by Hubert Hermanns (1933)

Hitler’s Bodyguard Regiment [SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler] during a Six-Day Deployment (1936)

Model of the “World Capital Germania,” Following Plans by Albert Speer (1939)

“A Poor Fool”: Caricature of Einstein in Response to his Application for Emigration, Deutsche Tageszeitung (April 1, 1933)

George Messersmith’s Report to the State Department on the “Present Status of the Anti-Semitic Movement in Germany” (September 21, 1933)

American Consul Samuel Honaker’s Description of Antisemitic Persecution and of Kristallnacht and its Aftereffects in the Stuttgart Region (November 1938)

A Crucifix and an Antisemitic Message at the Entrance to a Franconian Village (1935)