Display: 101-125 of 681 Results

German Social Democratic Party (SPD): Call to Rebuild the Party Organization (June 15, 1945)

From the Resolution of the First Party Conference of the SED (January 28, 1949)

Programmatic Guidelines for the Free Democratic Party (February 4, 1946)

“Why Is There No Opposition in the GDR?” (May 17, 1957)

Program of the Democratic Farmers’ Party of Germany (1949)

Crowd at a Polling Station in Gransee/Brandenburg on the Day of the Regional and Parliamentary Elections (October 17, 1954)

SED’s Third Party Congress at Werner Seelenbinder Hall in East Berlin (July 20-24, 1950)

Political Parties in the West

Economy and Politics in the Soviet Zone and GDR

Propaganda Photo: Land Reform in the Soviet Occupation Zone (September 1945)

Discussion between German Chancellor Adenauer and American High Commissioner McCloy (July 12, 1950)

Who Is to Blame for the Korean Conflict? (July 11, 1950)

Security Policy

Three Telegrams from U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy to Secretary of State Dean Acheson regarding the “Stalin Note” (1952)

Nehru and Jinnah (August 21, 1947)

A Free India (August 14, 1947)

Soviet Draft of a German Peace Treaty – First “Stalin Note” (March 10, 1952)

Article on the Partition of India (October 4, 1947)

Manifesto of the Paulskirche Meeting in Frankfurt (January 29, 1955)

Western Powers’ Reply (March 25, 1952)

Foreign Policy

The African Giant Stretches Its Limbs (September 18, 1960)

Political Persecution of the Former Concentration Camp Inmate and Communist Ernst Busse (1950s)

Politburo Decision on the Work of the Ministry for State Security (March 18, 1952)

Africans Want a Say (June 18, 1960)